
The Vynax invasion had succeeded in extinguishing a significant portion of humanity. Nevertheless, a compact yet technologically superior city, Cyclosa, managed to weather the invasion, fending off the alien adversaries. Satisfied with their successful purge of humanity, the Vynax rulers opted to abandon Earth. They left behind a select Vynax contingent, entrusting them with a singular task: annihilating the remaining denizens of Cyclosa to complete humanity's extinction.

This Vynax detachment, christened the Advent, were particularly trained and outfitted for this precise mission. They were a covert and proficient force, resolute in their commitment to their task, whatever the price.

The Advent descended on Earth, primed to hunt down the remnants of humanity. They swiftly discerned that Cyclosa was no easy prey; the city boasted state-of-the-art technology and battle-hardened soldiers. However, the Advent remained undaunted, banking on their superior skills and technologically advanced weaponry.

They unleashed a wave of devastating assaults on Cyclosa, but the city's robust defenses held firm. Humanity, fuelled by a fierce determination to survive, retaliated with tenacity. The confrontation between Advent and Cyclosa was a fierce battle, exacting a heavy toll on both sides.

As the conflict raged, the Advent unraveled a startling truth about their mission. They unearthed that their race's leadership had concealed certain facts. They learned that the Vynax invasion was not out of necessity but was driven by avarice and imperialistic ambitions.

Regardless of this shocking revelation, the Advent clung to their mission. They were convinced that humanity's obliteration was crucial for their race's survival. They sustained their battle against Cyclosa, favoring covert operations over direct confrontations.

The Advent-Cyclosa conflict spanned several years, but humans stood their ground, successfully defending their city against the alien onslaught. The Advent, never utterly defeated, retreated to their vessels and departed Earth.

The Advent's mission persists. They maintain their surveillance over Earth, biding their time to strike when the moment is opportune. They firmly believe that they will eventually succeed in their mission to annihilate Cyclosa's remaining survivors and ultimately eradicate humanity.

Cyclosa's inhabitants, cognizant of the imminent danger, remain vigilant and persistently bolster their defenses in anticipation of the Advent's next offensive. They swear to shield their city and its inhabitants and to resist surrendering in their struggle for survival.