
The Fallen, a splinter faction seceding from the Disciples, were an embodiment of revolt against the stringent code of emotion suppression. They began to comprehend the latent repercussions of stifling their emotions, a repression rather than a total eradication. These bottled-up emotions rebounded with destructive potency, provoking an unquenchable thirst for extreme emotional states such as agony, ecstasy, and debasement as forms of cathartic release.

Submerging deeper into these emotionally charged practices, their ties with the Disciples began to unravel. They perceived their former comrades as weak, deluded, and steeped in hypocrisy, birthing a new faction christened as 'The Fallen'. Unapologetically showcasing their raw, uncensored nature, they morphed into adversaries of the Disciples.

Known for their ruthlessness and perilous fervor, the Fallen's members were consumed by the addictive thrill of extreme emotions. They instigated manhunts against other factions, ensnaring them to serve as unwilling participants in their macabre rituals. The unfortunate victims often emerged fatally wounded, or traumatized with permanent physical and psychological scars.

The Fallen envisage their ultimate aspiration as the full acceptance and indulgence of their dark, twisted desires, aiming to sample every facet of depravity life could offer. They deem this path to darkness as the key to achieving a heightened state of enlightenment and transcendence, regarding themselves superior to Cyclosa's other factions. Claiming a distinct segment of the city as their domain, they brazenly engage in their deviant practices without hindrance.

This territory, under the Fallen's dominion, is a surreal labyrinth of decadence and delirium, where pleasure and torment, sanity and insanity meld into each other. Derelict buildings and ruins were grotesquely transformed into their pleasure dens and sadistic arenas, hosting their grim rituals. Unfettered by ethics, they experimented on their victims with gleeful curiosity, subjecting them to an array of torment for sadistic amusement, twisted carnal pleasure, or a horrifying combination of both.

Diverse and complex, the Fallen's members vary from innate sadists and masochists to those twisted into such states by the relentless suppression of emotion. Among them are savage hunters reveling in the pursuit and capture of their prey, while others, the masochists, derive pleasure from the receiving end of torment. Their hierarchy reflects this duality - the ones who can endure the most extreme degrees of pain and pleasure are elevated to a commanding position.

The Fallen's adversaries encompass not only their estranged brethren, the Disciples, but also the city's other factions. Deemed a menace to the city's survival, they are relentlessly hunted by rival factions. Amid their twisted ethos, a distorted sense of honor prevails; they abstain from targeting the same faction twice, viewing it as a breach of their perverse sportsmanship.

Their ultimate aim is to transcend their current existence, ascending to an elevated consciousness where the extremes of pleasure and pain can be experienced in their purest form. They believe this state will reveal the universe's elusive, underlying truth. Uninterested in power or control, the Fallen are slaves only to their deranged desires.