
The Coyotes were once the underprivileged residents of Cyclosa, a heterogeneous group dwelling on the city's fringes. These were immigrants, marginalized communities, and minority groups, left to their own devices amidst the ruins following the Vynax invasion.

In the dire days following the invasion, the Coyotes found unity in adversity. They put their skills and knowledge to use, carving out a semblance of existence amidst the suburban ruins of Cyclosa. They scavenged for sustenance, ingeniously using the remnants of the city to their benefit.

As the skirmish between the Advent and Cyclosa wore on, the Coyotes faced a harsh truth - their past lives were irretrievable. The city bore wounds too deep to heal, losses too monumental to compensate.

In this bleak realization, they turned to their ancestral wisdom for direction. Amid the war's chaos and destruction, they saw an opportunity for a cultural renaissance and a chance to redefine Cyclosa's future.

The Coyotes coalesced into tribes, each governed by a formidable chieftain. They sought inspiration from their ancestral heritage, renowned for their hunting and survival prowess. Training in the arts of hunting and ambushing became their focus, as they utilized their intimate knowledge of the cityscape to their advantage.

They entrenched themselves within Cyclosa's suburban expanse, leveraging their skills to construct makeshift communities and cultivate their sustenance. Their ferocity and determination quickly earned them a reputation as Cyclosa's ultimate survivalists.

The Coyotes envisioned themselves as the architects of a new era, convinced that survival necessitated a return to their ancestors' way of life. They launched incursions against rival factions, their hunting expeditions morphing into quests for resources and territory. Thus, they earned their name - the Coyotes - a sly, resilient force unyielding in pursuit of their objectives.

Their overarching aim was to assert control over Cyclosa's suburbs, wielding their influence as a safeguard against the Advent, and any other threats endangering their tribes. The Coyotes were prepared to go to any length to ensure their tribes' survival, even if that meant evolving into a relentless and potent hunting legion.

Equipped with their honed hunting techniques and stealth tactics, the Coyotes emerged as a formidable faction within Cyclosa. They presided over vast territories, their influence proliferating as they garnered support from Cyclosa's remaining lower class.

They gained recognition as expert ambushers and hunters, often contracted by other factions for their hunting prowess and tactical operations. The Coyotes cemented their standing as a power within Cyclosa, respected for their survival abilities and adaptability to the new world order.