
The Ravagers, once the beating heart of Cyclosa's middle class, were a collective of industrious and determined individuals who faced the harsh reality of losing everything in the Vynax incursion. They were the backbone of the city, its engineers, mechanics, and tech wizards, now forced to navigate the ravages of post-invasion survival.

In the immediate aftermath of the invasion, the Ravagers banded into a survivalist community, scavenging and repurposing debris for sustenance and restoration. They steadfastly committed themselves to rising from the ashes, striving to restore a semblance of normality amidst the shattered cityscape of Cyclosa.

However, as the conflict between Cyclosa and the hostile Advent continued, a grim understanding dawned upon the Ravagers. Their prior lives were irrevocably lost in the annals of time, and Cyclosa bore scars too profound to heal completely. This crushing reality led the Ravagers to pivot their collective ambitions: if they couldn't restore their past, they would shape their future.

In the ensuing chaos, they identified an opportunity for ascendancy. They saw a chance to seize the reins of power and mold Cyclosa's destiny.

The Ravagers applied their technical prowess to arm themselves. They designed intricate mechanical devices, crafted potent weaponry, and scavenged the ruins for raw materials to forge armored vehicles and formidable war machines. They morphed from a band of survivors into a regimented fighting unit, training and strategizing, swiftly earning a reputation as Cyclosa's most formidable combatants.

Convinced of their singular capacity to shield Cyclosa from the Advent, they resolved to wield control through force. Territory and resources were wrestled from rival factions in relentless raids. Thus, the Ravagers were christened - a merciless faction resolute in the pursuit of their ambitions.

They derived their inspiration from the Road Warrior, a mythical post-apocalyptic wanderer who scoured the wasteland in a ceaseless quest for power and resources. They emerged as the guardians of Cyclosa's middle class, dedicated to preserving their way of life, irrespective of the price.

Equipped with their sophisticated arsenal and war machines, the Ravagers grew into an intimidating power in Cyclosa. They held sway over vast territories, and their influence surged as they accrued support from the city's surviving middle class.

Their paramount objective was to seize total control of Cyclosa, to deploy their formidable power as a protective bulwark against the Advent, and against any other potential threats to their survival. The Ravagers pledged to do whatever necessary to ensure the survival of their kin, even if that meant metamorphosing into the very entity they had once resisted: a ruthless, indomitable war machine.